
Showing posts from April, 2019

Pros and Cons of Being Miniscule in the “Internet Sphere”

When I posted my first YouTube video or my first blog post I set realistic but in hindsight, high expectations. I thought that just by me clicking “post” the internet would work its magic and do all the work for me.  How are these YouTube videos discovered? How do people stumble upon your blog post? Well, I thought the internet would just magically recommend my post or video to a very small group of people and if they responded well to my content then the content would begin to circulate and voila, I’m now on the path to success.  Wrong!  I posted my first video and within 1 day nobody watched my video except for that mysterious 1 view you get within minutes of posting.  I’m guessing its someone on YouTube who reviews the video to make sure it follows the “standards” of YouTube. But, other than that, nobody watched my videos.  This is when I realized I have to promote my videos some way or another. In previous blog posts, I mentioned spamming other YouTuber’s in the

YouTube Game Plan to get Views and Subscribers

As you may know I recently started a YouTube channel in the beginning of March 2019. I have 4 videos posted so far. My channel is an “informational based channel” as I like to call it and the videos I posted are all interesting facts I found about space, the human body, dreams, and facts behind running every day.  If you haven’t read my first blog post about why I decided to do this type of content, then I will briefly explain myself again.  I truly do not want to be a YouTuber who puts all their personal business out there and people think they have a right to judge me and have an input on my life. No thank you. I couldn’t imagine coming up with content for a beauty related channel.  I mean I have naturally curly hair so I could always do a hair channel (doesn’t that equate to a beauty channel though), but having a channel about my hair is so original, right? *Rolls eyes*  So I asked myself this question; What can I do on YouTube that doesn’t require me to be li

Reasons Why I Don't Want to Promote YouTube on Social Media

Starting a channel was scary enough, now all the videos I watch say that you SHOULD promote your videos to your social media following. This scared the crap out of me and I refuse to do it. This won’t be a forever thing, but it is definitely a right now thing because of the following reasons…. I don’t know if my content is any good yet. I mean I enjoy my content, but I am sort of a perfectionist and it is much easier to know that nobody I really know is watching my videos. Yes, I am aware that may be weird, but it’s all part of my plan. My social media followers are people I encounter in real life and people I went to school with. Therefore, I feel kind of weird being this person on YouTube and being someone else in real life. I am not saying the 2 are different, but they are different enough to notice. Everybody is more relaxed in front of a camera, in their room by themselves. You have to admit that you are a different person when you are alone and when you are around people you

A Journey To Making a Pretty Good Second Income

Everybody wants to make a ton of money, right? Especially now and days with the presence of social media and everyone flashing their money around. Well, not literally flashing money for some, but literal enough where I know that you have to have some sort of money.  Nice, flashy clothes and jewelry = money. Expensive trips overseas = money. New car = money. Get it? Except we really don’t know how much or what these people did to get the money. That is the beauty of social media; we can lie and show off as much as we want and only we ourselves will know the entire truth. We can create this façade of wealth and status if we want.  But, enough of that, let me get back on track. We all want to make a ton of money. Right? It seems so easy now to be able to bring in some big checks. Start a business, create a youtube channel, create a blog, find some online hustles. Let me tell you, I have researched this for about 1 year and still feel like there is no easy, legit way to earn some mon