
In a world that broadcasts only the extraordinary, I felt a bit discouraged when deciding to begin this blogging journey. 

I am a research junkie and when the smallest thought enters my mind I immediately pull out my iPhone and begin typing questions into Google. With that being said, the thought of writing a book has always been on my radar and I even took the steps to begin writing one. 
You see, I feel most inspired when I finish a book or begin to research the ‘How’s” of writing one and then I begin to feel discouraged the deeper I get into my research. So maybe a book right now isn’t the best idea just because I don’t feel inspired to write an entire book or to even begin thinking about a super crazy, twisty – turny plot. 
I came across a video on ways to make money from home and freelance writing was one of the ideas. I have always enjoyed writing, but can never seem to organize my thoughts to form coherent stories or articles, but I always end up writing something even if it doesn’t amount to anything. I began to research freelance writing and how to get started. With all the research I have done, I came to the conclusion that freelance writing will give me the opportunity to channel my creative energy, give me the opportunity to earn money from it if I wanted to, and also allow me to write short articles and stories about a variety of topics.
 But- there’s always a but – I started researching the topic TOO much. Now I don’t think you can ever research something too much, but in today’s generation and society, research can also consist of just looking at other people’s blogs and watching videos about how to begin freelance writing or how to start a blog. You have all of this information right in front of you and if you are a semi-perfectionist like I am then you want to take all of these tips in and apply them. 
Now the thing about that is I began to feel super discouraged and the thought of freelance writing and blogging entered my mind only 2 days ago, and already I am feeling discouraged? All the blogs I came across were about traveling and beauty reviews and How To articles.
 I am 23 years old, a single mother, I work a 9-5 job that allows me to just cover my bills, and I also work a second job for some extra spending money. Nowhere in my budget does it allow me to travel anywhere I want to in a drop of a hat. Let me also reiterate the fact that I am a single mother which makes it that much more difficult to travel and really have those experiences you see on blogs and on social media. This doesn’t mean it’s impossible, it’s just a bit harder to do certain things. 
With that being said, I rarely saw blogs that were just used as a form of self-expression where you didn’t have to have hundreds of thousands of Instagram followers or be wearing the trendiest clothes. 
All of this discouraged me. I was discouraged because I was confused as to what I was going to be writing about being that I wasn’t traveling to Hawaii or Bali, I wasn’t going to Sephora every week buying a new product or even shopping for new clothes that were “Review worthy.” 
I live a simple life. That’s what I want to write about, not about my life per se but about obtaining a deeper outlook on life and life’s experiences. About not giving a shit about social media followers or going to the gym 5 days per week. About the fact that it’s okay to be normal and average. About life’s small lessons making the biggest impact. About the fact that we are constantly changing and growing. About normalcy. If nobody reads my blog I am completely okay with that. My happiness comes from the basis of me simply typing these words right now. I am doing it despite feeling discouraged, I am doing what I set out to do which was to write. 



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