The Purpose of Men #unpopularOpinion

Is a mans only job to please his significant other once he begins a relationship? Is this why many men are possibly commitment phobes or opting out of the “typical” relationship? In today’s modern day society and generation, the number of options one may have becomes more and more appealing to the everyday person. Being able to have your cake and eat it too is essentially the way many people govern their romantic lives.
 Many women are taking on what can be defined as masculine characteristics. Now, the topic of gender roles can be seen as taboo, but when it comes to the modern-day female, she is working, paying her own bills, getting her own oil changed, and essentially doing everything for herself. Where does a man come into play you ask? Sex. This is the only thing a man can really offer a woman who is used to providing for herself. Many women are on the independent track in life and seem to have some trouble with submitting to their man in a sense. When I say submit I mean to let your man take the lead, let him make some of the important decisions, and pretty much just letting him be a man. Yes, this means occasionally stroking his ego and actually being real about your thoughts and feelings so he knows where you two stand. 
This is what the modern-day woman struggles with a bit. Because she is so independent and possesses those “masculine” qualities, when she enters into a romantic relationship or situation with someone those masculine qualities don’t go away; they present themselves in a kind of “in your face” way. Women are proud of their accomplishments and essentially proud that they don’t really need a man to do for them and if your one of the lucky ones who wins her heart, my question is what mountains did you have to move to do so? 
Women who are so independent will ask a potential suitor one question or at least have the question replaying in her mind until she finds the answer; What can you do for me? If a man isn’t upgrading her life in some way then what’s his use? Sex maybe, definitely not money or security. A man’s worth is simply measured by what upgrades he can offer to a woman’s life. With our society being so materialistic and dead set on how much money your earning, if a woman can buy herself those material items and is earning a decent salary, a man who cannot add to that is tossed aside. So, we can be tossing aside men that can enhance our thinking, our spirituality, or even find small ways to make our day that much better. However, we don’t choose these men simply because we believe he cant upgrade our lives. 
So, what does this typical modern day relationship look like you ask? Two people together, having sex – the most intimate thing two people can do – but somehow make it just a basic, animalistic act, while essentially living separate lives. Just because they “like” each other doesn’t mean they have to commit to each other, because what’s the point of commitment when you can get the sex your craving from a guy you really like, while also being able to occupy another guys time whom you really like also. 
Women are being taught that this is okay, if he’s not meeting your expectations to toss him aside like yesterday’s trash. Nobody is perfect, nor does anybody have the secret to a perfect life. Therefore, it is important to show compassion, to express your feelings and emotions, and to uplift men so they can be an upgrade to your life. Not just a financial upgrade, but an upgrade that you are thankful for everyday because without that upgrade your life just wouldn’t be the same. Stop reducing a man’s value to what he can do for you, but ask yourself what can you do for each other to upgrade each other’s lives


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